Hey, there! I'm a technologist, indie maker and a consultant. People call me Tom.
As a consultant, I worked with companies big and small. You know... big fish in a small pond and small fish in a big pond. When I'm not fishing, I help businesses to automate day-to-day operations or build their SaaS. I accomplish that by building software tools and integrating APIs. To keep it short, I've...
- Architected multiple projects with over a million monthly visitors (vanity metric that tells you I'm legit).
- Built many scalable mobile and web applications (lost the count).
- Been building and managing solutions on the cloud infrastructure and actual cloud infrastructure itself.
- Delivered snappy UI solutions (React.js 'n' all)
- Worked remotely most of my career
- Moved from Croatia to Northern Ireland, UK (grass is literally greener)
As an indie maker, I love creating products and helping others with theirs.
I'm @TomBiscan on Twitter.
- Consulting
Devise Digital — my UK company where I consult companies such as Monzo, IBM and Liberty Mutual.
- Product
DeviseOps — Making a product that helps agencies manage their processes and service delivery.
- Technology
Golang Testing — where I occasionally write about my favourite programming language Go.